Copaiba essential oil is steam distilled and is derived from the resin of the copaiba tree that can be found in tropical South America. This tree can grow upwards of 100 feet and produces yellow flowers and a reddish fruit. I’m going to share how to use doTERRA Copaiba essential oil.  Copaiba oil benefits your whole body in a healthy way!  There are emotional, immune, cardiovascular, respiratory and detoxification benefits from using your Copaiba.

This gem in a bottle has so many wonderful benefits I’m going to suggest you listen to Dr. Hill explain it on this video. His thorough explanation of what it is and how it works in the body is fascinating. At the 8:30min mark of the video, he dives into the ‘how to use it’ part, which speaks to helping the body move with more ease.

Copaiba essential oil is a must have in every home. Copaiba contains healthy cannabinoids that can do so much for our mind, body and spirit!!! There is a lot of hype and advertisement on CBD oil and people THINK they know all about it! But do they know that there are 3 main cannabinoids derived from plants: CBD, THC, and BCP. Cannabinoid oil doesn’t just mean derived from marijuana or hemp. Here is why Copaiba is the BEST!

What Makes doTERRA Copaiba Essential Oil Special?

What makes Copaiba Essential oil special?  doTERRA Copaiba essential oil is a unique blend of four Copaifera species.

Why combine 4 species of essential oil combined together?  This ensures that we have the highest quality and most potent Copaiba oil.  Combining species increases the essential oil potency.

  • First species:  Copaifera officinalis
  • Second species:  Copaifera langsdorffii
  • Third species:  Copaifera reticulata
  • Fourth species:  Copaifera coriacea

Sourcing doTERRA Copaiba

How our Copaiba is sourced, and the lives impacted on the other side of the bottle, cannot be forgotten. When you buy a bottle of doTERRA Copaiba, you are part of helping people make a living.

doTERRA Copaiba Oil Chemistry & Beta-Caryophyllene

Are you curious about the chemistry of Copaiba oil?  doTERRA Copaiba oil contains is beta-caryophyllene.  It helps the body to recover.  Beta-caryophyllene may also help the body to overcome addiction type behaviors.

Fun Fact:  Other doTERRA essential oils contain beta-caryophyllene.  They include Black Pepper, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Clove, Helichrysum and Juniper Berry.

Clearing Up Confusion About Copaiba Oil, Cannabinoids & Beta-Caryophyllene

There has been some confusion about Copaiba Oil and cannabinoids.  It is important to note that there are three types of Cannabinoids.  Copaiba oil contains the type of cannabinoids which are called beta-caryophyllene.  You might see this referred to as BCD.  Betacarophyllen,  or BCD,  does not cause illusion effects.  Copaiba oil is different from other essential oils and has wonderful benefits.  I’m excited to explore it!

How Can I Use Copaiba Essential Oil

doTERRA Copaiba is suggested for Aromatic,  Topical and Internal usage.   Dr. Hill told us that Copaiba is an easy oil to use aromatically.  You can diffuse it periodically through the day.  Copaiba essential oil has a woodsy aroma that is comforting and relaxing.

My friend C has found that Copaiba oil easing her body discomfort.  This was after only a few uses!  C tells me that she applied Copaiba topically to her areas of discomfort.

An easy way to ingest Copaiba oil is by using the new doTERRA Copaiba softgel capsules!

Copaiba oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Pure copaiba oil can be diffused alone, but sometimes it’s fun to mix things up a blend of different essential oils.

Best Copaiba Oil Uses

As you can see, copaiba oil is a great addition to your healthy living toolkit. Let’s dive a bit deeper and look at some of the top ways to use copaiba essential oil.

1. Soothing

Copaiba oil can help soothe anxious feelings. It is a calming and grounding essential oil that also helps to calm, soothe, and support the nervous system.

2. Supports Healthy Systems of the Body

This essential oil supports a healthy immune and cardiovascular system. It’s a powerful antioxidant that promotes immune health.

Copaiba oil also helps support the health of the digestive, and respiratory systems.

3. Skin Care

Copaiba essential oil promotes clear, smooth skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes.

Apply topically combined with an organic carrier oil or a facial moisturizer to help keep skin clean and clear, promote a healthy complexion, and to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

4. Oral Health Support

Copaiba oil can be a support for oral health. You can add a drop of this essential oil when you oil pull to help support your mouth.

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Mon Jun 20 , 2022
In the world of essential oil, Coriander isn’t Cilantro! Many people use it interchangeably because it is the same plant. Coriander oil is distilled from […]