AromaTouch Technique

Tracey is officially AromaTouch Certified.

Developed by dōTERRA’s own Dr. David K. Hill, the AromaTouch® Technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience.

The technique is simple, affordable, and effective, and anyone can learn it.  “The AromaTouch Technique was developed to maximise the benefits of essential oils. Its powerful benefits can be effectively delivered equally well by both the novice essential oil enthusiast and the professional health practitioner.”

 – Dr. David K. Hill 

Chosen for their ability to evoke positive emotional and physical benefits and for their ideal aromatic profile, the eight essential oils used in the dōTERRA AromaTouch® Technique complement each other perfectly when layered onto the body.

The AromaTouch® Technique uses specific guidelines and instructions for both dosage and application to make it a safe and effective way to access the amazing benefits of essential oils. The AromaTouch® Technique is gentle and can be adapted for sensitive skin, so anyone can benefit.

The eight essential oils which fall into 4 categories. Each oil is used at a specific dosage with a specific touch technique. The essential oils are as follows:

1. Manage stress and relax the body with Balance and Lavender.

2. Detox and support a healthy immune system with Tea Tree and On Guard.

3. Support and soothe joints and muscles with AromaTouch & Ice Blue.

4. Balance and stabalise energy levels with Wild Orange and Peppermint.

AromaTouch Pricing

Hand technique


Per session
FULL AromaTouch Technique



Free First Session

The AromaTouch Technique, although not a massage, it help’s assist your body’s inflammation, help calm the nervous system, help balance put emotions with the ultimate result of your body returning back to homeostasis which is where we need to be.

The AromaTouch Technique uses light, consistent touch that creates a beneficial response for you, which is sure to relax you, reduce stress, and support your overall wellbeing. Using 100% Pure Essential Oils.

If you are a part of my doTERRA community and team you receive a discount for both your hand and full AromaTouch Techniques.

If you don’t already have a dōTERRA membership, reach out to us and we will get you started with an AromaTouch Starter Kit that also comes with FREE training.