I woke up on Saturday morning in the worst pain I think I have ever felt. I don’t know if I have pinched a nerve in my neck or pulled a muscle, but I have been horizontal now for 2 days unable to move a great deal. Have you ever had this happen to you? This has affected my mental health as I am feeling very disjointed because I can’t do anything. I had plans on Saturday morning to catch up with a friend for coffee and had to cancel on her, which I hate doing. Then I spent the rest of the day laying on my bed unable to do pretty much anything. I couldn’t even read for long because holding a book hurt too much and those that know me well know that I can spend all day every day reading.

I have had my essential oils rubbed into me all day, I have had a symphony of the cells application done and that actually allowed me some movement and I slept well on Saturday night because of that. Even though I had Dad telling me all day to take an anti-inflammatory I refused and only used my oils and Ice Blue / Copaiba stick. I love my natural products so much and they have now gotten me through a very painful time.

Today I have woken feeling down and unable to focus on anything, not good for my first day in a contract role. I know this is not true but I am having trouble remembering why this is not true. Spending the last 2 days in bed was not what my mind needed even though it was exactly what my body needed to heal. How do I now heal my mind? How do I get myself out of this little pit that I am finding myself in?

Even as I am sitting here writing this I can feel the pull to go back to bed and just let this day be over and done with, but I have the other part of me saying that I am better than this pit, that I can pull myself out of it, all I need to do is focus. Focus on God, He is the one that is telling me that I am better than this, better than the pit I want to crawl into. He is fighting this battle with me, He is reminding me of that, reminding me that I am His, that He loves me. He is how I get out of this pit that I am in.

I am choosing to get up, get moving (as much as I can with the pinched / pulled whatever it is) getting focusing, get oiled up (Adaptiv and Motivate on me at the moment) and say ‘get behind thee satan, you have no control over me’.

Try putting your hands over your heart and saying to yourself, I’m okay, I’m safe, I’m loved and repeating it. I got this from Mel Robbins in her book The High 5 Habit. So many good habits in this book, like high diving yourself in the mirror.

How do you get out of the pit that is depression? How do you overcome pain that becomes more than pain? How to you cope? I am interested to know as it may help me at times when I cannot get out of the pit.

In abundance and with Blessings



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The Top 6 Oils You Should Be Using

Wed Mar 30 , 2022
I want to introduce you to the top single oils that dōTERRA carries but before we do that, though, here’s a video on dōTERRA’s commitment […]