As a key botanical of the traditional Ayurvedic practices of India, turmeric root and has a long history that has inspired modern uses of turmeric today. Steam distilled from the turmeric root, Turmeric essential oil has two unique chemical components, Turmerone and ar-Turmerone. Curcumin is a main component of Turmeric. Try diffusing for a unique and rejuvenating aroma. Turmeric essential oil acts as a great burst of flavour to your favourite savoury meals.

Turmeric is a flowering herb related to ginger with fibrous roots and a savoury flavour. Grown throughout Southeast Asia, Turmeric is known worldwide as the spice that gives curry seasoning its colour and distinctive flavour. The root is also used as a natural yellow dye. The rhizomes and tubers of this plant have been used in holistic Ayurveda health practices for their powerful benefits for nearly 4,000 years. Turmeric has also been used historically in China and Sri Lanka.

Turmeric Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. Turmeric oil may help support a healthy nervous system, as well as cellular function. When you’re feeling like your nervous system is out of balance or needs calming, add Turmeric oil to coconut milk and honey for a delicious drink.
  2. The soothing benefits of Turmeric oil can be utilised by taking one to two drops in a Veggie Capsule. Doing this on a regular basis gives your body the antioxidant support it needs to protect your body from free radical damage. It may also support healthy immune function as well as immune response.
  3. It is nearly impossible to go through life without facing some trouble, but we can take control over our emotions. Give yourself a boost by diffusing Turmeric throughout your home to provide yourself with an emotionally uplifting environment and thereby improve your mood.
  4. Turmeric has the ability to support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism. To better support your metabolism, take one to two drops of Turmeric in at least four ounces of water. 
  5. This spicy oil is actually a wonderful oil to use on your skin. Customise your facial moisturiser by adding a drop of Turmeric before applying, to help support overall clean and healthy looking skin. Turmeric can also be used as a spot treatment to naturally reduce the appearance of blemishes. 
  6. Take advantage of the subtle spicy and peppery flavor of Turmeric by adding a drop or two to scrambled eggs or frittatas, plain rice, or soups. You can also add it to sautéed greens for a peppery flavor. The added bonus to cooking with Turmeric oil? It also allows you to reap the other internal benefits of Turmeric we mentioned before. Try making this Pineapple Smoothie.
  7. Incorporate Turmeric oil into your recovery routine after strenuous activity for a soothing experience. In your palm, add a few drops Turmeric to Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage into your skin where you need relief most.

In abundance and with hope and blessings



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