dōTERRA Fennel is sweet in taste and effectiveness. It is an herb that has been used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Great Britain, and India. Fennel is very strong against environmental threats. Using it often and in any way will help boost your immunity. With several health benefits dating back to ancient Rome, Fennel essential oil can still be used to promote healthy digestion and respiratory function, while exuding a unique licorice aroma and flavour. Fennel oil can be used for culinary purposes as well as internally to promote a healthy respiratory system, healthy digestion, and more. This unique oil holds many beneficial characteristics for the body while providing the user with a sweet, distinctive scent.

Fennel essential oil is one of dōTERRA’s Therapeutic Wellness products that is listed with the Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration as a Medicine Product.

dōTERRA Fennel Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

  1. One of the most common uses for fennel seeds, fennel flavouring, and Fennel essential oil is in the kitchen. Due to the potent, flavourful nature of Fennel oil, it can add a savoury, strong flavour to a variety of unique dishes. If you want to harness the flavour of Fennel in your cooking, consider adding a toothpick’s amount to homemade sausage or soup for an authentic anise flavour.
  2. Did you know that you can use Fennel oil internally to help with digestion? To experience these Fennel essential oil benefits, simply add a drop or two to water. You can also add 1–2 drops in a dōTERRA Veggie Capsule. You can also combine Fennel oil with Fractionated Coconut oil for a soothing abdominal massage after a big meal, or on the day of a stressful event.
  3. The naturally sweet flavor of Fennel can be useful when trying to avoid processed sugar and sweets. The chemical makeup of Fennel includes Trans-anethole, a monoterpene that is 13 times sweeter than table sugar. To utilise these benefits of Fennel oil, take a drop of Fennel in water or green juice to help fight sweet tooth cravings.
  4. If you are feeling sluggish or bloated, take Fennel oil internally, as it may help to promote healthy metabolism, liver function, and circulation. When taken internally, Fennel may also help support the health of the lungs and respiratory tract. To take Fennel oil internally, add a few drops to water or another beverage, or add 1–2 drops in a dōTERRA Veggie Capsule.
  5. Looking for another way to use Fennel for cooking? Fennel goes great with dips and salads when you want to add a sharp, flavourful element to your dish. Add a toothpick’s amount to white bean dips and cucumber salads for digestive benefits and a savoury flavour. Remember, when using essential oils for cooking, start small. Even a toothpick’s amount can add a lot of flavour to your dish, so start with the bare minimum, and add more essential oils as you go to ensure that the flavour of the oil doesn’t overpower the meal.
  6. Need an extra push to get things done? Diffusing Fennel can help give you the sense of focus needed to be productive. To take advantage of the energising aroma of Fennel oil, diffuse in your home or office to encourage a productive day.
  7. Applied topically, Fennel oil can be calming and soothing to many areas of the body, including the skin. For a calming, soothing topical effect, directly apply Fennel oil to the skin. If you are worried about skin sensitivity, dilute the Fennel oil with Fractionated Coconut Oil, to avoid any skin irritation.
  8. In ancient Rome, warriors were said to have eaten Fennel to prepare them for war, and make them strong. Like the Romans, you can easily apply the energising and confidence-building benefits of Fennel oil in your everyday life. To promote feelings of courage and confidence, put one to two drops of Fennel in the palm and inhale.


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